Here are some best advice for finding new job at any career levels – the tips for hunting new job included in this post are applicable to all job seekers, from fresher to experienced.

1. Be clear – what you need

It is very important that, Before you start your job search, take some time to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses and the type of work you really enjoy doing. The better you know yourself, the more likely you will find a new job that provides you with greater satisfaction. What do you want in a job? What’s most important; the work itself, or the money, promotion, title, location, or the culture?

2. Prepare, document  and organize before you go online

Before you start creating your profile on job portals and applying for jobs, take some time to document and rehearse frequently asked question and answers. Most Asked Interview Questions with answers and How to Tackle Them. This blog helps you for cracking most frequently asked interview question.

Before you get a call for your first interview, develop responses for common interview questions, and then rehearse them – ideally using the mock-interviewing technique in front of mirror, with a friend, network contact, or interview coach. The more prepared you are for the interview, the more comfortable you will be and the more likely you will succeed.

3. Get professional certified in your field

Remember that you may need additional training or experience, specially if you are entering a new career field.

Professional training can help give you the skills and confidence to try something new. Most importantly, organizations receive benefits by supporting employees in improving their professional skills by certification.

The more certified people in the organisation the more projects will come and more revenue will flow. So organisations look for certified job seekers even if you have no experiences, Certification helps a lot.

The time and effort invested in professional certifications often results in increased income. Most clients will understand the higher costs associated with specialized training and are willing to pay for consultants who have professional certifications.

4. Prepare your resume

Your resume is still one of the most critical tools of a job search. Make yourself an obvious fit. Study the words and phrases that are used in the job description, Make sure you include them in your resume (provided you have that experience, of course). Update your resume to each job – the recruiter should know within a few seconds of looking at your resume that you have the skills they are looking for.

Write a Customized Cover Letter A well-written cover letter that is customized to the company or individual recipient shows you are serious. Try to show how your qualifications and experience relate to the company’s needs.

5. Create your online account on Job Portals

Get yourself register on the Job website. For Indians, most preferably LinkedIn and Most recruiters, use LinkedIn as their primary candidates search tool.

6. Daily update your job site account (Preferably in the morning)

Update you profile on daily basis. Most preferably at morning 8 am to 9 am. It has been observed that most recent updated profiles has higher chances to get shortlisted.

Only apply to jobs you are interested and qualified for. Companies notice candidates with the skills and experience they’re looking for. If you don’t have these, your resume will be ignored.

7. Refine Your Job Search on job site.

Search using keywords and add more points to narrow your search. Don’t forget to specify your location; your zip code normally works fine. Most job sites also have an Advanced Job Search so you can narrow your results using, for example, a particular company name, job title, skills, offered salary or commuting distance.

Also keep a track for applied jobs. A spread sheet works best for many to keep a track of the jobs you have applied for, where you have been invited to interview, etc.

8. Recruiter’s hidden agenda

Recruiters may or may not call for an interview for hiring purpose or actual vacant position in the organization. They may take interview for training their junior recruiters. However It is very less chance but it does happen sometimes.

So don’t be too stressful if you are not getting hired by some companies.

9. Know more about target companies

An awesome tip for finding a new job is to investigate a company’s Glass door profile. It helps to know the culture, figure out what questions they commonly ask in interviews, and even the salary and grade structure.

Hope you have found above tips for finding a new job very useful. I’d love to hear what you’re going to change in your job search after reading this article.